SO. Norway. Get ready for a long ass post, folks.
So we get to the airport at like 6pm on Thursday night for an 8pm flight, which, of course, is delayed. Something about bad weather in Norway? Not a good sign... We check in and proceed through security to our waiting area. Of course, savvy traveler that I am, I decided to wear a sweater with a GIANT METAL BUCKLE on the side of it, so I have to have the public pat down. They take me behind the CLEAR PLASTIC WALL (really guys, if you're trying to be discreet there are better ways to do it) and a big black lady gives me a rub down. They send me on my merry way into the waiting room where my plan of action is to get dinner at one of the many pizza hut's I saw from the bus window as I passed the terminals and then head to take a pee. Well ya know what? The Norway terminal doesn't do pizza hut. I settle for a ham and cheese-spread sandwich and a coke..............
ANYWAY we get into Oslo around midnight and start walking to our hostel. Norway has this weird, quiet air about it. The streets are practically empty, the restaurants are all closed up, and there isn't a car in sight. It was very eerie. To make matters worse, when we check into the hostel and stumble into our room at 12:30 we find that we are living with three middle aged men, who, of course, all smell like a butt. Not to mention my pillow and comforter REEK of man sweat.
The next four days were actually pretty cool. Besides the fact that it was thirty degrees and RAINING the whole time we were there, we actually experienced something that was new and unknown and I'm really proud of myself for doing that. We went to Bergen, Norway one day which was really cool. It's a little fishing town situated right in the middle of a bunch of fjords. We took the funicular up to the top of a mountain and got to see the whole view which was just AMAZING. Here's a picture:
So basically, the trip was cold and wet and kind of stressful for quite a few other reasons I don't care to mention, but overall it was a cultural success and I'm really proud of myself for pushing through it even though it was kind of hard.
OH yeah, and the last night we were there, one of the men moved out and this 80 year old Middle Eastern woman who spoke NO English moved in in his place. What happened to the concept of a YOUTH hostel?? ANYWAY...she started yelling at me in some language I did NOT understand. I thought she wanted the lights off so I turned them off, which just riled her up more so I turned the bathroom light on, which STILL didn't stop her so I went to her bed to see if she was ok, which just irritated her MORE, so of course I was left standing there with my arms raised saying "I DON'T SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE!" Her reaction? She THREW HER SHOES AT ME. Excuse me, bitch? Having always been taught to respect my elders I politely gathered up her shoes and placed them by the side of her bed, gave her one last shrug, and went to sleep.
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