I gotta say though getting here was definitely an adventure. Chicago airport looked like this: aka: Basically our flight crew was retarded. First in France they couldn't get the gangplank away from the plane so we were stuck for 20 minutes. THEN customs was a MESS AND when we were waiting for our bags they couldn't get the DOOR open on the plane to get our bags out so of course I miss my connection. United tells me the only way to fix this problem is to rebook. The computers right next to where i picked up my luggage are broken so they send me all the way across the airport with my gigantic bags to rebook at the united counter. At the united counter i found out that all flights to springfield had been cancelled (united periodically cancels flights to springfield to clear up their schedules) and that i would have to fly out the next day. Only problem was that there was a snowstorm/ice storm due to come in that night and I would probably be stuck there for 3 or 4 days. Needless to say the tears started flowing. Super-mom of course gets on the phone and works her mojo on a united representative in india and gets them to pay for a flight from chicago to springfield through another airline. How does she do it?!@#@!!! Needless to say I started a riot at the united counter when people heard... BUT there is a happy ending...I made it home back to my Joe and my family. My heart is in a good place right now :-) Joe had to leave again to pick up Hammoudi and spent Christmas with his family but I'm really happy he gets to see everyone he loves for christmas. I'll get him back soon. I'm a happy girl!
Hey, I take issue. IT wasn't the flight crew's fault!!!! We LIKE flight crews now...remember?
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