Sunday, 5 October 2008


Does it say something about my personality that I would much rather go through the Louvre with three kids under the age of ten dragging their feet and asking silly questions than go out partying with people all weekend? I had a blast this weekend with Jenny and Kurt and their kids. Being with family for the first time in a month and a half was the most wonderful gift. It's amazing how family, even as distant as second and third cousins, can recharge you. There's something about a genetic connection that you just can't get anywhere else. It's love at first sight no matter how long it's been since you've seen them, heard from them , heard ABOUT them. Even with the head cold/sinus infection/ martian death flu that I have right now I still had fun traipsing around Paris with them. Plus it was nice to eat something substantial. Either because they are Americans or because they are my family, we came home every night with nineteen different gourmet pasteries, 7 sandwiches, baguets, croissants, cheese, and 2 bottles of red wine and piled it up on the table and took a little bit of everything onto our plates. I loved the food but I loved that warm familiar chaos more. I've never felt more satisfied in my life.

Anyway, sickly-ness is making thinking much harder than it should be, so I'm thinking the best medicine is probably sleep! Love you guys!

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