1. My new favorite snack is green olives and feta cheese. For some reason this is everywhere! They marinate it in something delicious, add some marinated onions and roasted red peppers, and voila! Delicious snack. Healthy? Who knows! Do I care? Nah. I tried to find a picture of my little tubs of olives-fromages, but alas, there are none.
2. Paris is getting colder! And Greyer! And rainer? Is this just my mood talking? No but really, I'm doing alright here. I miss my Joe and my family and beautiful Missouri but this is an amazing experience and I can't forget that! In order to make myself feel better I had to buy this coat:
P.FREAKIN.S. That delicious looking yellow casserole that i ordered without knowing what it was? Wanna know? It was pureed fish! Again!!! What is it with these people???
3. I'd managed to avoid stepping in the dog doo that litters the streets here, UNTIL TODAY when I literally slipped in it and almost fell flat on my face on the sidewalk. Apparently all my dog doo karma was building up to this one horrifying moment. Plus people saw.
Girl next to me: Did you just SLIP in DOG DOO??
Me: Grooossssss!!@#$^$%!!@#!@!!@#%$%^#@11`!!!!!!
Her: I guess that's a yes...
4. I'm going horseback riding in the french countryside!!@#!!@!!!
5. I'm going to Geneva!@#!@#!!!!
That's all for now. Love you guys!

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