Monday 22 December 2008

I'm home!

I gotta say though getting here was definitely an adventure. Chicago airport looked like this: aka: Basically our flight crew was retarded. First in France they couldn't get the gangplank away from the plane so we were stuck for 20 minutes. THEN customs was a MESS AND when we were waiting for our bags they couldn't get the DOOR open on the plane to get our bags out so of course I miss my connection. United tells me the only way to fix this problem is to rebook. The computers right next to where i picked up my luggage are broken so they send me all the way across the airport with my gigantic bags to rebook at the united counter. At the united counter i found out that all flights to springfield had been cancelled (united periodically cancels flights to springfield to clear up their schedules) and that i would have to fly out the next day. Only problem was that there was a snowstorm/ice storm due to come in that night and I would probably be stuck there for 3 or 4 days. Needless to say the tears started flowing. Super-mom of course gets on the phone and works her mojo on a united representative in india and gets them to pay for a flight from chicago to springfield through another airline. How does she do it?!@#@!!! Needless to say I started a riot at the united counter when people heard... BUT there is a happy ending...I made it home back to my Joe and my family. My heart is in a good place right now :-) Joe had to leave again to pick up Hammoudi and spent Christmas with his family but I'm really happy he gets to see everyone he loves for christmas. I'll get him back soon. I'm a happy girl!

Wednesday 17 December 2008

And here is how I feel about the fact that I have less than 48 hours until I can actually touch and see my Joe again.....

Funny series.....

Here is a funny picture from Switzerland with my friend Gibbon...I was holding my sides laughing so hard because her umbrella kept flipping inside out....


As my dear sister pointed out...that would be drumROLL....Thanks alot France for screwing up my spelling skills...

Sunday 14 December 2008

Why I'm going to fail my exams...

So... While going over my notes for exams today I realized a few things.
A. I think politics is the most boring subject in the universe
B. I think my theater teacher is the most boring woman in the universe
C. History is so much more interesting in stick figures
C. I am going to fail my politics and theater exams
Here are a few examples of what I found in my notes INSTEAD of the history of theater and the transatlantic relations between the united states and europe: "An hour and a half is TOO LONG to sit in a history lecture" "Tragedy at Tour de Nesles - Princesses like to party with their lovers, someone gets pregnant - everyone is drawn and quartered" "A moving depiction of the crusades" "Collage of words I heard during this lecture""Callie Fenwick's mind, age 9" Pretty self explainatory "The soviet union and the united states had nuclear weapons..." "Did he just say Crise Financiere? Sounds Important...better write that down..." I live in France "Maybe I should have a picnic today?" "I am drinking a coke" In this play a woman marries a man because she is pregnant with another man's baby

Sunday 7 December 2008


I'll be home in 11 dayyysss!!@#!@#!@#!@#!!!!!



This is how I feel about that:

Needless to say I have no immediate urge to write MORE

Or be witty

Sorry, guys :-)

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Oh i promised pictures didn't I?

I'll definitely update more on these trips when I get the chance, but basically I had an AMAZING weekend in Geneva, Switzerland and Annecy, France with one of my oldest friends from highschool! We had a great time hanging out and the scenery was AMAZING. That was last weekend, and then this weekend I spent some time with my Dad's cousins, Jenny and Kurt, who are stationed in Frankfurt, Germany. They were WONDERFUL and I had such a great time with them and their kids.

See? Didn't I tell you I've been busy?

Monday 1 December 2008

IT'S DECEMBER!@@!!!!!!!@#@!#$!!!!

***Before anything else: I know, I know, I haven't blogged in like 2 weeks and I'm SORRY!!!! Will you believe me if I say that I was super busy? No? Well... I guess I don't have an excuse. At least you get to look forward to Switzerland and Germany the next two weeks...maybe? I'll give you some links to look at the albums online. It's not cause I'm lazy. Honest! I really AM busier than I have EVER BEEN. You're lucky you're even getting this post out of me! Ok anyway...Here's the real post:


I think it's important though, to let you know that I am NOT taking this trip for granted. Here are two big things that I am thankful for this holiday season:
  • Joe. After almost six years together we had to endure these last 3 months apart, and let me tell you it has been HARD. As difficult as it has been for me, I'm sure it was even worse for Joe. Now that it's almost over we can look back and say that it has been good for us, and it's made us stronger in SO MANY ways. I am thankful to Joe for making me a happy person, for being the one person I can't live without, for pushing me daily to improve my life and myself, and especially for sticking with me during this period of self discovery. It doesn't get any better than him. On that note I guess I have to thank Nan too! Thank you for Joe!
  • I'm thankful that I'M LIVING IN PARIS. This has been an incredible opportunity and it's literally been handed to me on a silver platter. It's been challenging in so many ways but I believe that it has done some great things for me. I am more independent, I am more confident, I have seen a little bit of the world, and hell, I speak fluent French! All of this has been given to me by my parents and I am THANKFUL, Mom and Dad. All my stressing and complaining probably hasn't given you an appropriate picture of how this has been for me, but it's been WONDERFUL. I know how hard you guys have worked to get where you are in life. Nothing has been handed to you on a silver platter. I love you guys. Someday I will pay it forward.
Anyway, I could make a list a mile long of all the things I am thankful for in my life, but it's 12:15 here and I still have some studying to do. Don't even get me STARTED on the 17 PAGES I still need to write, in french, in the next two weeks. Lets just take this one day at a time, shall we?